Textile Immersive Tour with The Sewing Workshop
About the Workshop:
“Join the Sewing Workshop team for an immersive textile experience alongside Sarah Campbell in beautiful England!
Imagine tapping into your creativity while staying on a beautiful country estate in the Cotswolds. In this retreat, you will explore surface design techniques such as painting and embroidery. These techniques will be used on the Lakewood Shirt to make your unique work of wearable art.
Esteemed fabric designer Sarah Campbell will be joining us for three days to teach us her signature techniques for fabric painting. She will present you with the tools to tap into your artistic side and use color and design to make your own fabric.
After our time with Sarah, The Sewing Workshop team will work with you to add even more interest to your fabric, with stitching and surface texture techniques. We will look at the different pattern pieces of the Lakewood Shirt to lay out your decorated fabric in an artistic way.
If you’ve never painted or stitched before, don’t fear! We will help you every step of the way. Plus, green rolling hills, magical forests, and glorious gardens are on your doorstep waiting to inspire you. The Cotswolds is designated as an Area of Outstanding Beauty and we will be exploring some of its grand manors, historic textile sites, and must-see gardens.
After our time in the countryside, we will make our way back to London. Here, we will spend three days fabric shopping, seeing the sites, and exploring the artistic side of the city. Finally, we will be ready to head home, full of inspiration and ready to finish our art-to-wear garment.”
This tour is sold out, but to join the waitlist (you don’t need to be American!) and for more information click here