The Mark of The Hand
A 3-day weekend course exploring Pattern & Painting on Textiles.
In this course we'll be looking at the rhythms and structures of pattern and how they work; as examples for discussion and possible inspiration, Sarah will show a variety of patterns and designs, drawn largely from her own collection of both her printed and hand-painted textiles.
Course-work begins with purposeful mark-making on paper, with an emphasis on developing an intuitive sense of rhythm and pattern.
We'll be able to practice various techniques for painting on cotton, calico and linen- mark-making, freehand painting, stencils, potato prints, tapes, masks - as well as considering pattern placement and colour. During the course students are encouraged to develop their own ideas, painting directly onto fabric and building a personal language of pattern and colour with the aim of making pieces to wear, hang, sit on, to sew into and embellish, or simply as reference.
Sarah will demonstrate techniques throughout.
No experience is necessary, open to all...
Booking directly with Handprinted