Sarah Campbell Designs

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  • post-it note binders

post-it note binders

post-it note binders.png
sticky-note binders.png
stickies:horses and basketweave.png
stickies:blue, indigo basketweave.png
stickies: indigo:magenta.png
stickies binders:magenta and black:yellow.png

post-it note binders


Give your stickies status! They’ll be neat, tidy and findable in our little refillable binders - handbound with our handprinted papers and gorgeous coloured bookcloth spines. Each one different, they’re sold in pot-luck packs of 2.

5 x 3”

Price includes First Class postage to UK and Ireland

Postage for Europe and the wider world calculated at the checkout

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Give your stickies status! They’ll be neat, tidy and findable in our little refillable binders - handbound with our handprinted papers and gorgeous coloured bookcloth spines. Each one different, they’re sold in pot-luck packs of 2.

5 x 3”

Price includes First Class postage to UK and Ireland

Postage for Europe and the wider world calculated at the checkout